Wir holen das Beste aus der Gmünder Innenstadt heraus – sowohl für unseren Einzelhandel als auch für unsere Besucherinnen und Besucher.

Gmünder Tagespost


The GMÜNDER TAGEPOST is the local newspaper for Gmünd and the surrounding area. The regional reporting focuses on the communes and regions of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Schwäbischer Wald, Leintal, Lorch, Alfdorf, Rosenstein and Essingen. Both the independent and well-researched local journalism and the diverse campaigns make the GMÜNDER TAGEPOST a lively local newspaper.

The website www.gmuender-tagespost.de rounds off the wide range of offers with regional ticker news, an extensive archive, comment functions, picture galleries and a wide range of services.

The Gmünder Tagespost is a product of SDZ, the leading media company in the Eastern Alb.Print and Media, which offers a wide range of services in the field of media production and distribution in addition to numerous publications .

HGV Mitglied
Vordere Schmiedgasse 18
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
